34Friends 29Fans
female San Marino, CA, United States
I am a newbie to the techie world. Who am I kidding I am so not techie it's hilarious. I'm just an unemployed secretary looking for a job.
Adrienne says
16 years ago
on the bright side the Bear (gbaby) is on her way over (s_cozy)
Adrienne says
16 years ago
the window repair man is finally here, wish he was the glass cleaner upper man too. (s_tears)
Adrienne is
16 years ago 6
STILL waiting for the glendale police department to show up 2 hours after I reported the break in! X-(
Adrienne is
16 years ago
looking for someone to redesign her blog
Adrienne is
16 years ago
impatiently waiting an hour now for the police to show up
Adrienne hates
16 years ago 1
(s_angry)the fucking idiot that just broke into my god damn car!
Adrienne wants
16 years ago 1
to know if she is all alone is this big plurking world?
Adrienne thinks
16 years ago
plurk has fallen asleep
Adrienne thinks
16 years ago
ticketmaster is a money grubbing whore (s_angry)
Adrienne asks
16 years ago