Paulo Coelho : Don't allow your mind tell your heart what to do. The mind gives up easily.
Paulo Coelho : Fear of failure leads to failure
連基金都可以贖回錯........... 今晚該早睡...........
Paulo Coelho As a friend of mine says: Don’t hide behind fake smiles, it’s OK to not be allright
必須說........... 光芒隊的球衣怎麼那麼醜阿.... 那個T是在賣運動飲料喔............
才剛說完, 就被挑戰價值, 雖然是小事, 但老子一樣超不爽! 應該會因為這個原因而 say bye~
critical thinking+impact others in good way+variety+discover essence+what else is valuable?
思考 value 的好處是... 不會因為現在遇到的鳥事而氣呼呼, 因為逐漸不太需要太過在意~
呼.... 總得分領先中!! 最後8場~~ 衝阿!!!
真的必須說.......... 白癡.................