0Friends 1Fans
female Franklin, VA, United States
A crafty anime gamer girl.
AniVideeKnit says
11 years ago yeah, like i can pass that up!
AniVideeKnit says
11 years ago
Uffda! Looks like I will be getting home just in time! Its supposed to be in the 80s the day after I leave! (woot)
AniVideeKnit says
11 years ago
There is nothing worse than being excited about a hunk of cheesecake that looks amazing and then agree you get it, it tastes horrible :-(
AniVideeKnit says
11 years ago
Didn't wan't to risk the console being checked baggage, soooo I left off with 100hrs played, characters fully developed and farming turtles.
AniVideeKnit says
11 years ago
A couple of flights later, in said new city....too tired to do anything! Besides order out anyway (woot) game update to follow.
AniVideeKnit says
11 years ago
Adventuring! Well ok, im taking a class in another city, and flying in tonight, and flying out after my last class on friday.... (woot)
AniVideeKnit says
11 years ago
I lost the game
AniVideeKnit says
11 years ago
Missions 1 - 50 and 55, five stars, maxed out my roles, so decided to move ahead with story line. Finished it last night and passed out :-D
AniVideeKnit says
11 years ago
Missions 1-41 all have 5 stars, as does 43, 45 & 49. Not quite there, but working on it. Have most weapons upgraded to first star in ch 11.
AniVideeKnit says
11 years ago
Mission 38 completed with 5 stars, went to final boss of ch 11 to advance characters, but nit in ch12 yet ;-)