Buldak Ramen... The spicy Korean ramen challenge @@
There's only so much free service I'm willing to provide for someone that keeps asking and never tries to figure things out for himself
Arrived at SFO and Pokemon incense at all the gates!!! Gonna run through all the terminals during my layover now mahahaha
Finally Pokemon Go! Zubats errwhere hahaha why....
[work vent] I am so disappointed...
So hot in the sun today I thought my hair was going to catch on flames ><
AUGHH they just announced at SDCC that they're going to kill another Robin and it's likely Tim Drake WHAT IN THE EVER LOVING FUDGE
Why does life seem to only get so much more stressful as we age? @@ I wish I were much better at this responsible adult thing
[work] 10 more days of this and I'm done
[lab] Omg I hate my boss and how difficult she is being