I know when you read prawn you're supposed to think of the crustaceans.. but instead I read, "pron" which translates to porn.. Wow..
Just got done working out.. D: I feel so gross but can't take a shower right now. Eeeek.
Sittin' in the library because of our internet.. waiting an hour for a download to finish.
I love Vindictus.. am I crazy? Yes.. yes I am. This game is like a mixture of Guild Wars with Lineage. Yeah, it's awesome. :|
OMG I LOVE WHEN "FRIENDS" BOLD FACE LIE TO YOU. Fffff... life. 'Tis amazing, no? <3
I am really having a hard time tonight.. Trying to deal with it.
Hey everyone! waves Hope everyone's doing well. <3
FFFFFFF--- Why "LMFAO" You have catchy background music, but your lead singer is creepy.