28Friends 34Fans
male Deer Park, TX, United States
Mostly Vandalaesian living in Xenark, Second Life. I fought at the Port of Rehaan but was set in stasis by some force that kept me in that state for I don't know how long. I will regain my posture and continue life in Xenark.
Aquariastrus thinks
11 years ago
Miley Cyrus' performance was interesting, youthful, and fun to watch. (wave)
Aquariastrus is
11 years ago
Aquariastrus wonders
11 years ago 3
when he will stop referring to Daniel Voyager as Daniel "Vger" in his mind.
11 years ago
so I search for a vacation spot in Barcelona and suddenly get bombarded with ads for it? WOW! I mean WOW!!! :-o
11 years ago
Exhausted - long day at hospital and little to no inworld time. (:
11 years ago
I've missed those disturbing Erik Kayo posts... I really need to visit my Plurk more often.
Aquariastrus shares
11 years ago 2
Aquariastrus shares
11 years ago - these toons crack me up. (LOL)
11 years ago 1
On SL everything moves so quickly - I wonder if it would take a toll on my relationship to not propose for six months to a year. (thinking)
11 years ago
I learned how to surf on an LSD board and had to switch to SSi for comps and now they're having LSD comps... and I'm no good on an LSD board, go figure. (nottalking)