Ms Tomsen
136Friends 101Fans
female Second life
I blog sporadically, same with making stuff. RL sickness has taken me away from SL of late, but I'm sure I'll get sucked back in...dont we all :-P
Ms Tomsen says
12 years ago 24
I know Sil didnt want to get ragey about this but I will. Abuse is never fucking ok and by condoning it,
Ms Tomsen says
12 years ago 1
my new shoes are on their way!!
Hurry up pretties (rock)
Ms Tomsen shares
12 years ago 1
Ms Tomsen says
12 years ago
Woot, TTOM is at the airport waiting to board his plane home...with pressies!!!!!
Ms Tomsen says
12 years ago
So, TTOM has landed safely in Germany, but theres severe weather warnings and flights being cancelled so he may not get back tonight :-(
Ms Tomsen says
12 years ago
The Trifecta Of Manly is about to get on a plane to Germany.....waaaaaah
Ms Tomsen shares
12 years ago 1
Incubus - Pardon MeIncubus - Pardon Me
This morning's wake up vid!! Mooooorning <3