10Friends 32Fans
female Singapore
- namE: auDrey
- doB: 12tH June

- likEs oR lovEs: mY lovE oNe, sLeePing, cHattiNg oN phonE aNd onLinE, sHoppIng, listEning tO musiC, waTcHinG moviE aNd tV pRogRammE,

- haTeS aNd disLiKeS: LiaR, baCksTabbErs, bEinG huRt, bEiNg chEaTed
Audrey_Wu says
15 years ago
Audrey_Wu says
15 years ago
shall not plurk liao, bye
Audrey_Wu says
15 years ago
whole house very quiet
Audrey_Wu says
15 years ago
so one at home
Audrey_Wu is
15 years ago
downloading audi now, but then very slow
Audrey_Wu says
15 years ago
she miss him and "amber", hehe :X
Audrey_Wu says
15 years ago 1
bye bye
15 years ago
dont like it :X
Audrey_Wu says
15 years ago
coz of her sis, keep on bring her laptop go out...
Audrey_Wu says
15 years ago
later she will be bringing her laptop to her auntie house (tears)