11Friends 10Fans
female Houston, TX, United States
Azzurra_ hates
13 years ago
不只我,70%朋友的 Karma都歸零了...!!阿! 這是很討厭的制度啊!
Azzurra_ thinks
13 years ago
[[你想要接受誰的領導?]] --- 選的是總統,考量的不僅僅是"奇摩子",依照心情、感覺,就匆忙的投自己可貴的那一票。 總統的角色是讓國民倚賴,願意接受其領導.
Azzurra_ says
13 years ago
it's end of the year again! need to do some Christmas shopping now
Azzurra_ says
13 years ago
just met a random "elementary teacher." really not that impressive....
13 years ago
met my ex-boss yesterday. kinda feel strange..... not really know why should I say....
Azzurra_ hates
13 years ago
蚊子很餓! 一直咬我的腳!
Azzurra_ asks
13 years ago
how to define " being rich"
Azzurra_ says
13 years ago
what that 100 years for?
13 years ago
getting jet lag from the party.... so should I call it - party lag?