11Friends 11Fans
male Buffalo, NY, United States
Heyy there I'm Brian,
And I am 16 years young. I was hatched November 21st. I attend the Performing Arts high school as a junior. I am a Theatre major. I live in Babcock (south bflo).
BRIAN1121 is
15 years ago
is at izzy's :-)
BRIAN1121 says
15 years ago
ILY2 :-D
BRIAN1121 says
15 years ago
BRIAN1121 says
15 years ago
Nothing. Bored.
BRIAN1121 says
15 years ago
yeah yeahhhh
BRIAN1121 says
15 years ago
You wrote "Izzyshake15 IS Brian partlow i forgot your last namehahaha (LOL)" Now tell me what went wrong in that sentence?
BRIAN1121 loves
15 years ago
Isaiah Jose Rodriguez
BRIAN1121 says
15 years ago
Izzy is fat
BRIAN1121 says
15 years ago
I love how when I click "Interesting Plurkers" there is nobody interesting plurking! ;-)
BRIAN1121 was
15 years ago 3
eatiing some food cuz im a fatty! yay! :-)