35Friends 79Fans
female Singapore
I'm young and insane,
and yes, I do bite. :-D
♥s my family
♥s my babes and hunks
♥s shopping
♥s BenNJerry's

Oh, I'm also extremely random and hyper at times.

w/ ♥,
C♥NNIE* hates
14 years ago
plurk for a reason . Baka baka baka karma !!!
C♥NNIE* says
14 years ago
but I'm feeling super super super lazy atm . I'll just go job-hunting later .
C♥NNIE* says
14 years ago
Just one day of working & I fucking hate my job already , time to look for a new job xD
C♥NNIE* says
14 years ago
attachment done , now there's work ):
C♥NNIE* has
14 years ago
not been watching anime , and feels like watching some now !!!! *stomps foot* *withdrawal symptoms of anime*
C♥NNIE* says
14 years ago
throwing her weight around like she's some BIG thing . Fucking jiao bin . Pfft .
C♥NNIE* says
14 years ago
am fucking glad to be freed of that bitch !
C♥NNIE* says
14 years ago
C♥NNIE* says
14 years ago
1 more day after today , can't wait !!!
C♥NNIE* says
14 years ago
run devil run