74Friends 40Fans
female Wilmington, NC, United States
Daily Vlog: Painful Hilarity
I um love plurk and the people on it I share things here I don't share anywhere else so fun!!!
BellaEly says
13 years ago 5
I played a prank on shammy shhhh
BellaEly says
13 years ago 3
the banana bread my mom is baking smells so freaking good why can't it be done already!!! (mmm)
BellaEly says
13 years ago
my nerves are raw today I need to simmer down!!! (no_dance)
BellaEly says
13 years ago
karma sutra plurk!! (code)
BellaEly says
13 years ago
really no one has plurked in like 30mins??? :-o
BellaEly says
13 years ago 3
what is your favorite soda? (mmm)
BellaEly says
13 years ago
the potty dance is freaking creepy and guess what I have a fever and the only prescription is more.....
BellaEly says
13 years ago
feel like crap slept in a coma last night people were in and out of my room and I had no clue scary! (no_dance)
BellaEly says
13 years ago 3
hey hey hey look what I found!?!?
BellaEly says
13 years ago
what next karma do I need to get more icons I'm at like 90