17Friends 10Fans
female South East, United States
I have been a part of the Second Life community going on 8 years. On and off, to start i wandered about, figuring out the lay of the land. Shortly after starting I got into the role playing communities of SL and haven't looked back. I love to deco
BiancaBender is
10 years ago
working. And this lady has not stopped talking for an hour
BiancaBender feels
10 years ago
annoyed! Got Firestorm Beta so I could have materials, tried Singularity did not like. Tried SL's do not i click on a mesh item on my person...crash. X-(
BiancaBender shares
10 years ago
My Saturday: Pick Up Furniture Help at nieces School Organizing Props and Fabric Productive day!
10 years ago 1
So....Plurk...plurk plurk plurk. I'm plurking...if it's anything like Twirking...i may not be so good at this after all. (woot)
BiancaBender shares
10 years ago
Refreshed my blog! Yay! Here's a link! BB Styles
10 years ago 2
Maybe this could get me re-invigorated for SL. I'll blog and Plurk. Could be fun... (woot)
10 years ago
just got to plurk, lets see what this is all about.