17Friends 10Fans
female South East, United States
I have been a part of the Second Life community going on 8 years. On and off, to start i wandered about, figuring out the lay of the land. Shortly after starting I got into the role playing communities of SL and haven't looked back. I love to deco
BiancaBender shares
10 years ago
Hi my name is Bianca, and I have a problem. I buy in a rush, and if it isn't automatically unpacked and in a folder in my inventory. I'll forget about it! Object folder exploration is like Christmas.
BiancaBender shares
10 years ago
It's's also 420, for those that means something too, enjoy your munchies....also it's the anniversary of Columbine High School shootings, hug your children.... It's also Hitler's birthday, fuck him
BiancaBender shares
10 years ago 1
I've been working on this one since the collection came out: BB Styles: MiaMai New Luxe Releases!
BiancaBender shares
10 years ago
And to lighten my mood: BB Styles: The Seasons' Story Bunny BB
10 years ago
So, when a drunken asshole wrecks their car into a tree in your front yard. DON'T DRIVE HIM HOME! Call the cops and have him arrested. Just a P.S.A. for those interested.