17Friends 10Fans
female South East, United States
I have been a part of the Second Life community going on 8 years. On and off, to start i wandered about, figuring out the lay of the land. Shortly after starting I got into the role playing communities of SL and haven't looked back. I love to deco
BiancaBender shares
10 years ago
So with RFL in full swing for the season, and FFL coming up soon I wanted to share a bit about why I have re-upped my participation this year. It's all for this family Help Zoe Tipping Fight Cancer
BiancaBender shares
10 years ago
Another shot of the sim!
BiancaBender shares
10 years ago
What I've Been Up To. Fashion For Life Amble Sim! I'm so excited to be part of this event and helping within the RFL activities again. It's been about 3 years.