deg-degan tuh tetep ada. Gue diem soalnya gue males liatin muka org yg gapercya apa yg gue rasain-_-
I mean, I can smile, and text other guys, but you're always in the back of my mind.
asik yah? tmn cewekmu cantik semua. aku jauh meren dr mereka mah. masih ttp syg ga? :|
blog teh pass nya ape ye? pen ngeblog da-_-
bal bales napa. mau cerita nih tau
cowok itu simple. sekalinya syg sama org ya paten ke tu org. mau dia yg mutusin ato pun cewenya. tetep paten! still love-niko. sotoy kwsuper
Be with someone who knows exactly what they have when they have you. Not someone who realizes it after they've lost you.