8Friends 1Fans
female Fairfax, VA, United States
BitterChic has
16 years ago 2
a very hosed iPhone! Not a good start to the week!
BitterChic is
16 years ago
going to playhouse Disney live with Elise tonight!
BitterChic is
16 years ago 1
a little worried about the length of time my son has been napping!
BitterChic is
16 years ago 2
not going to take my Obama sign down until all McCain signs are down! :-)
BitterChic asks
16 years ago 3
anyone know anything about this site
BitterChic has
16 years ago 2
too many meetings for a Friday and can't wait for the weekend!
16 years ago 1
just put a very tired boy to bed! He only got a 30 minute nap today!
BitterChic is
16 years ago 10
trying to plan a trip to Hershey around Christmas time!
BitterChic says
16 years ago 1
answer for not having enough clean more clothes! :-)