17Friends 5Fans
male Los Angeles, CA, United States
Epic Asian Drama Parody
BlazeKyo is
13 years ago 31
going to make his solo debut by doing a song cover for 2ne1's "lonely" :-P
BlazeKyo is
13 years ago 11
someone randomly became my fan. how did that happened :-P
BlazeKyo is
13 years ago 5
i just saw the MV for 4MINUTE「 Heart to Heart」. thats so "P****"
BlazeKyo is
13 years ago 3
HYUNA 'Bubble Pop!' is such an awesome example of the exploitation of the "Korean female". we must give thanks to America's mass media ; )
BlazeKyo is
13 years ago 3
is excited for this week's new season of anime.