183Friends 64Fans
male Amarillo, TX, United States
HI! I'm teaching 6th grade science in Amarillo Texas, and am interested in things like online learning, project based learning and curriculum integration.

I'm married with two kids ages 9and 5.
Bohunkus asks
12 years ago 5
We just sent a mission to Mars... did anybody even know? www.scientificamerican.c...
12 years ago 3
Survey says 5 day weekend went fast.
Bohunkus asks
12 years ago 4
Does knowing you're about to get a few days off suddenly make you NEED a few days off?
Bohunkus shares
12 years ago 1
Debt supercommittee epic fail. What would happen if we went to work and got nothing done?
Bohunkus shares
12 years ago 2
"stupidity writ large" As if Europe wasn't messed up enough.
Bohunkus asks
12 years ago 10
your thoughts on "Black Friday" shopping?
12 years ago 4
Turkey week up next! (Condolences if you happen to be a turkey.)
12 years ago 21
Friday word association: November
Bohunkus shares
12 years ago 2
"Ghost Mountains" under Antarctic ice mapped for the first time.
12 years ago
End of course tests - how are you getting students ready? (We had a meeting this AM)