18Friends 12Fans
male Singapore
Braney says
15 years ago
his late for school :-P
Braney says
15 years ago
Braney is
15 years ago
talking to jiahui, clara , yanyan and some random guy
Braney says
15 years ago
he didnt feed yenyen.
Braney is
15 years ago
so tired );
Braney is
15 years ago
going to sleep soon (:
Braney is
15 years ago
talking to suvd,yy,jh
Braney says
15 years ago 1
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now i no my abc
Braney is
15 years ago
Back home! , today on form (rock)
Braney says
15 years ago
Woohoo training at 4.