pooIq ǝɔʎɹq
55Friends 9Fans
male Bellingham, WA, United States
why come?
pooIq ǝɔʎɹq is
15 years ago 6
Going to be late. Declaring major today.
pooIq ǝɔʎɹq wonders
15 years ago 2
if Tony is still using the Watchmen in his Writing in Context class?
pooIq ǝɔʎɹq says
15 years ago 12
There is the graphic novel and there is the film, do not confuse the two!
pooIq ǝɔʎɹq shares
15 years ago
Good Idea, Bad Idea Compilation
pooIq ǝɔʎɹq hopes
15 years ago
that one day my number of plurks will be higher than my profile views.
pooIq ǝɔʎɹq says
15 years ago 12
despite the fact that the directions says it's okay, I do not recommend sleeping with the nicotine patch on. Hard to fall asleep.
pooIq ǝɔʎɹq is
15 years ago 1
Just think how much tougher, and more respect you would have in the streets with two forearm tats of two screaming lions.
pooIq ǝɔʎɹq hopes
15 years ago
his youtube poems weren't too graphic.
pooIq ǝɔʎɹq shares
15 years ago 16
"Fighting in a Sack"  - The Shins