84Friends 79Fans
female Sunnydale, CA, United States
BuffySummers is
16 years ago
replurking for a friend. "Dallas Plurk Meetup See Veribatim's plurk for more information"
BuffySummers wonders
16 years ago 9
Do any of you guys like How I Met your Mother? Did you start watching it because of Aly?
BuffySummers wonders
16 years ago 11
if people are worried about all the stoppages on Dollhouse? Is Joss being a perfectionist or will the show just not work?
BuffySummers says
16 years ago 1
Whistler! Ex-demon Max Perlich was in the Season 2 premiere of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles!
BuffySummers says
16 years ago 8
Bad horse, Bad horse, Bad horse--He's bad!
BuffySummers says
16 years ago 6
David Boreanaz doesn't think too highly of Heroes agree? I kinda do think its overrated myself.
BuffySummers asks
16 years ago 13
anyone excited about the new Buffy game? A MMORPG might be interesting!
BuffySummers shares
16 years ago 4
Dr. Horrible soundtrack now available on I-tunes. Lyrics now available on the website!
BuffySummers shares
16 years ago 13
a quote about Dr. Horrible "I didn't like Dr. Horrible because I couldn't figure out what it was trying to be--Comedy or Drama" Question:
BuffySummers says
16 years ago 1
www.buffyanimated.com was recently featured in TV guide.com and is a neato website.