21Friends 39Fans
female Cedar City, UT, United States
I am married to my best friend; we are expecting our first child in December. I recently sold my business in Florida to focus on my pregnancy & just enjoy life. We bought our dream home in Utah this year, but still kept our house in Florida.
CGurl says
16 years ago 5
Holy smokes! I have been gone too long! My Karma took a major plunge!
CGurl thinks
16 years ago 4
I am going to go with a rainforest theme for the Utah nursery. What do You think?
CGurl shares
16 years ago 2
today starts my painting day for the nursery!! I am so excited!
CGurl wishes
16 years ago 4
you all a Happy Friday!
CGurl wishes
16 years ago 3
you all a good night!!! BBL!! (s_LOL) (woot)
CGurl wishes
16 years ago 2
I would stop craving meat!!! The baby doesn't seem to care that I am vegan!
CGurl is
16 years ago 2
suddenly thinking of a baconless BLT
16 years ago 1
just heard on the news about a 5yr old child being raped at a church daycare by a 14 yr old boy.
CGurl is
16 years ago
going back to bed!! Plurk ya later!! Night Night!
CGurl wants
16 years ago 6
Thank you all for the input for the Nursery. I decided on Noah's Ark. It's getting painted this weekend.