198Friends 120Fans
female Bloomington, IL, United States
Calsters says
12 years ago 5
honestly my music library is a hot mess of awesomeness. (dance)
Calsters says
12 years ago 9
blanket won't be finished for tomorrow :-(
Calsters says
12 years ago 16
Good morning! Starting my day off with a sexual harassment training while I knit! Deep down I know y'all are jealous. I just ask that you try to contain yourselves. (LOL)
Calsters says
12 years ago 6
missing you knitpurlgurl.
Calsters says
12 years ago 4
I hope everyone had a good day, and if you didn''s to a better tomorrow :-)
Calsters says
12 years ago 23
I'm weaving in the last ends of my Mitered Crosses blanket! (dance) Now just to seam it this week :-) December 1 deadline here I, hopefully, come :-)
Calsters says
12 years ago 6
planning out lunches and dinners this week. I need new recipes!
Calsters says
12 years ago 3
still cleaning, but casted on the broken rib cowl :-)
Calsters says
12 years ago 9
catching up on my cleaning! Good morning all!
Calsters is
12 years ago 2
thinking about trying a new style of jeans next week. I don't really stray from boot cut...but a new cross b/w skinny and relaxed. Who am I?