17Friends 7Fans
female Bellingham, WA, United States
15 years ago 11
snoball poem: see below
15 years ago
two new blogs
15 years ago 5
that was my snowball btw. I didn't get to put all of it with limited characters ;(
15 years ago
sorry I wasn't in class today everyone. (I had my last broken arm appt woo hoo)
Cambam thinks
15 years ago
it's funny how local news spends all of their coverage on a lost bear.
Cambam wishes
15 years ago
she wasn't tired all the damn time.
Cambam likes
15 years ago 1
how I have an idea for a blog this week.
Cambam wishes
15 years ago 9
this sun was not such a tease.
Cambam is
15 years ago
yay for take back the night
Cambam is
15 years ago
pataphor: Brandon took a picture in the darkness, the brightness of a lightning storm occurred. Driving home he struck by a lightening bolt.