7Friends 6Fans
female Lincolnton, NC, United States
I'm 17. i'm kinda dating a guy named dallas. i'm trying to get into the army national guard, but things aren't looking good right now.
CarRe says
15 years ago 10
(LOL) (LOL)i gotta jar of dirt. (LOL)
CarRe says
15 years ago 5
just got home finally. i was home long enough to get a shower today. it was a long day, but gotta love hiking and showing the guys up. :-P
CarRe says
15 years ago
so drained. can't wait for VBS to be over with. and it hasn't even started yet
CarRe says
15 years ago
why do guys not get why using a facemask is smart and you shouldn't laugh at girls that use them.
CarRe asks
15 years ago 15
know anything to stop back pain?
CarRe says
15 years ago
night everyone. hopes tomorrow is better. can't get much worst
CarRe says
15 years ago 1
going to walmart
CarRe says
15 years ago
Yay. Burn Notice.
CarRe says
15 years ago
my best friend amanda smith jsut left for ait. i'm so gonna miss here
CarRe says
15 years ago
morning everyone