0Friends 9Fans
female Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
CassandraW says
14 years ago
another birthday surprise from friends! Thank you very much! :-D
CassandraW says
14 years ago
never been this happy for quite a while! Went shopping, dinner, home, dvd and a short nap with the pig! :-D loves!
CassandraW says
14 years ago
种种的预兆, 感觉。 就看几时。 :-)
CassandraW says
14 years ago
thanks for the birthday surprise Brussels, Jaya One friends! :-D heart you guys loads! :-D
CassandraW says
14 years ago
不出声别当我是病猫! :-P 我知道的东西可多呢! (woot)
CassandraW says
14 years ago
at Pyramid Starbucks with Chan Mun Ting! One who met like one year twice but can still chat like we meet just yesterday! (LOL)
CassandraW says
14 years ago
mom was emo me for back at 4 this morn didnt talk to me whole day! :'-( but i cannot control wad. am following people's car :-(
CassandraW wishes
14 years ago
to go to beach, get tanned. Play some extreme sports let adrenalin rushed over my body! :-D Who is with me!?
CassandraW feels
14 years ago
GLAD :-D feels that effort is paid off. Although I've complained, struggled and even though of giving up! (LOL)
14 years ago
woopssiiee! Birthday is 27days away! Hiak hiak! (woot)