72Friends 70Fans
female Clarence, NY, United States
Secondary Math Teacher who is constantly searching for new and engaging ways to reach my lovelies! I don't think I've ever taught the same lesson twice because I just love to tweek a lesson every time to meet the needs of the classroom. I'm also an
CassieG is
15 years ago 1
looking at a new cell phone...anyone have any sites that compares camera phones?
CassieG is
15 years ago 7
sad because I think my 16 month old daughter has another MRSA outbreak! :-(
CassieG is
15 years ago
very sad that my karma is SO low...that's what you get for taking a holiday!
CassieG is
16 years ago
happy baby is finally getting over illnesses-first MRSA, then Croup...its been a long month or so! Oh, and I got x-ray back-no broken foot!
CassieG says
16 years ago 6
CassieG wonders
16 years ago 1
about teaching proofs in geometry-as a sp. ed. teacher, don't have content cert. but I'm teaching Geometry for the first time and....
CassieG feels
16 years ago 6
bad for my baby...she has croup and now a fever all day long...hoping that tonight she will sleep a little more...poor baby!
CassieG wonders
16 years ago 2
what I can do to speed up my laptop...
CassieG is
16 years ago
uploading videos of the baby on to
CassieG is
16 years ago 2
trying to add a friend, but I can't find him....please help!