49Friends 236Fans
female Laconia, NH, United States
World music lovin' music teacher and computer dork by day, country lovin' , nascar obsessed yankee redneck by night!
Daytona500Cat says
12 years ago
My presentation materials for nhste 's #CMTC12 conference this week! So nervous!: NHCMTC Music Tech Made Simple Presentation.NHCMTC "Music Tech Made Simple" Presentation. #musedchat #mused
Daytona500Cat says
12 years ago
Finalizing NHCMTC presentation for Tuesday..gah!
Daytona500Cat says
12 years ago
Gotta love when you make a lunch date and he goes to the wrong restaurant and puts our name down for a table
Daytona500Cat says
12 years ago
Daytona500Cat says
12 years ago 4
Reading "Teach Like a Pirate" omg this is awesome
Daytona500Cat says
12 years ago
New post with examples of student work from our Silly Rap Songs with Quaver Music project : The End Result The End ResultThe End Result
Daytona500Cat says
12 years ago
New blog post: 5 fun and useful Ipad apps
Daytona500Cat says
12 years ago
I think this morning tried to kill me. I just made it out by the skin of my teeth!
Daytona500Cat says
12 years ago
I need a good neck massage ( too much coughing)