9Friends 6Fans
ChenMehMeh says
15 years ago
Sian resting at home . ): I hate to be sick !!! ToT
ChenMehMeh says
15 years ago
Karma always down one . Not surprise anyway . -.-.
ChenMehMeh feels
15 years ago
Extremely horrible ...
ChenMehMeh hopes
15 years ago
the team is doing well and of course everyone :-)
ChenMehMeh says
15 years ago
Sick de feeling is the worst of all .):
ChenMehMeh says
15 years ago
how are u man ? Great mah ? Hah , hope u are doing well thn . Takecare !
ChenMehMeh says
15 years ago
hello valerie :-D a super duper long time dont have talk alr . ):
ChenMehMeh says
15 years ago
sorry . But i just cant help .
ChenMehMeh says
15 years ago
i'm starting to lose interest in you ! :l
15 years ago
gogogo .:-D