12Friends 21Fans
male Anaheim, CA, United States
There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream.
Chuckster asks
15 years ago 8
should i drop out of grad school?
Chuckster says
15 years ago
Chuckster says
15 years ago 2
Chuckster says
15 years ago 6
some B students are counterintuitively thoughtful and individually than an A student, that's wut i am standing on. lol
Chuckster says
15 years ago 1
trust trust trust trust trust
Chuckster wants
15 years ago 11
測字 強
Chuckster wants
15 years ago 1
測字 忠
15 years ago 2
Barack Obama says he is "humbled and deeply surprised" to win the Nobel Peace Prize just 10 months into his presidency.
Chuckster wants
15 years ago 2
點播 P.S.我愛你