39Friends 27Fans
female Second life
Fashion fades, only style remains the same. ~ CoCo Chanel

Static Revenger & Richard Vission ft. LUCIANA I Like That
Cinna thinks
14 years ago 2
that people should be careful when they use something they see written elsewhere. Plagiarism is theft, plain and simple.
14 years ago 5
welcomes cielestemagic to my neglected timeline.
Cinna is
14 years ago
thankful for my friends and family both RL and SL for being the amazing and true people that you are. I love you all. (K)
Cinna is
14 years ago
back from a very long holiday weekend, trying to get back into the swing of things, and WHAM! Wall-o-drama. Love it. Missed it. (dance)
Cinna is
14 years ago
exhausted... stuffed... smeepy.
Cinna is
14 years ago 1
deplurking for a little bit to start holiday baking and all that fun stuff... *cheers*
14 years ago
just bought the GOS GTFO fatpack. Dammit gabieglam for turning me on to them! <3
Cinna wishes
14 years ago 1
everyone sweet dreams... ni ni.
Cinna is
14 years ago
about to host for like... the first time in ever and I'm nervous as hell. Come dance with me! Dance 4 Life