54Friends 12Fans
female Singapore
Fuck you
Clairy says
15 years ago 1
she's god damn bored in Daohong's house. DAMN IT.
Clairy loves
15 years ago
Daniel. And she misses him a lot a lot lah! D:
Clairy wishes
15 years ago
Boyfriend and Junwei to get well soon D:
Clairy hates
15 years ago 1
when Karma drop for no reason -.-
Clairy says
15 years ago 1
we are drifting apart. She doesn't like the feeling.
Clairy says
15 years ago
I don't believe in you anymore. Hongster never die.
Clairy hates
15 years ago
the feeling she is having now. She doesn't like the way _ is treating her right now. Fucked up world -'-
Clairy says
15 years ago
she's going crazy.
Clairy hates
15 years ago
herself. She can't think properly these few days. She's very upset. She told herself she can't cry. But she did it anyways.
Clairy hates
15 years ago
being in a holiday mood when school has reopen.