Concordia is a 3-10 elementary school which is opening May-June 2014. We aim not only to provide students with an outstanding education; but also to help them develop as people and discover theirselves.
Calling all Volunteers! We're looking for someone to help us out with a Uniform, it will need to be Baby & Kid TD and Big kid size! Please PP this account if interested! Replurks appreciated!
Ohai all! Yesterday we had a teacher interview and we can now announce we officially have a new member of staff. We also have some interviews organized for tomorrow so hopefully more to come soon! If you are
Teachers and Pre-Registration Applications are now open online! Taxi to our inworld skybox where you can pick it all up inworld will be included inside this plurk! If you're amazing and would like to help us
Teachers & Pre-Registration Applications are now open! Taxi Also online links to information and applications included inside. Follow/Add this account to keep up to with the