0Friends 22Fans
male Topeka, KS, United States
CoryZipperle says
14 years ago
gggrrr... The one cable that I really need right now I can't find. May just have to build it.
CoryZipperle says
14 years ago
Google's best spam protection application doesn't even come close to doing as well as Spam Soap.
CoryZipperle says
14 years ago
wonders: who am I going to Hu-Hot with on Monday?
CoryZipperle says
14 years ago
Clever, yet ovbious, Veggie Tales has its own seed line. pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws...
CoryZipperle says
14 years ago
I don't get it; Web sites is the least promoted part of our business, but it is the one getting the most notice. Funny how that works out.
CoryZipperle says
14 years ago
Is looking forward to lunch.
CoryZipperle says
14 years ago
I can't decide: Am I taking a break from playing to work or taking a break from work to go play?
CoryZipperle says
14 years ago
Even better, Lowe's sells 8ga wire for $0.48/ft.
CoryZipperle says
14 years ago
O'Reilly's sells 8ga wire for $0.79/ft. w00t!
CoryZipperle says
14 years ago
He hopes that I won't find him here and neuter him. pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws...