So today marks the end of my current project and my time as a technical writer. All that's left is to see give back my equipment and to see what I need to do next.
Been playing Amnesia: The Dark Decent.
I want to dress up Gandalf in a little button up shirt and tie. Ladies and gentlemen, I have issues and the need to embarrass my cat.
One of my time sheet entry programs keeps asking me to change my password. Let's see who blinks first?
Hard to stay motivated today, but I do still have work to do.
Good news everyone! There's a 95% chance I will have infinite free time next week.
Well, I pledged in the Bones 2 Kickstarter for a pack of 100+ minis. Excited, and looking forward to painting them and probably giving them out to people who want a painted mini for a game.
I am wearing my cursive skull tie today. It's festive!
I want to curl up in a sock drawer and sleep for days.
Anyone ever wondered about what Wolverine was into? Well, journey with some lady into the recesses of his mind.