Teacher Web2.0
6Friends 31Fans
male Caransebes, Romania
Sunt profesor care utilizeaza noile tehnologii web2.0,Social Media, Second Life.Join free teachlearnplayesafetyeducation.wall.fm/blogs/11 web20education
My #edtech20 presentation on Global Education Conference  #globaled10.
Teacher Web2.0 shares
14 years ago
Google Apps: Education Edition #edtech20 #edchat #elearning http:sites.google.com/site/gt...
Teacher Web2.0 shares
14 years ago
Google Apps: Education Edition http:sites.google.com/site/gt...
Teacher Web2.0 shares
14 years ago
Kids play in safety way www.webkinz.com/us_en/ #safedchat #edtech20 #edchat #
Teacher Web2.0 shares
14 years ago
Create your own tag cloud from any text to visualize word frequency. #safedchat #edchat www.tagcrowd.com/#tagclo...
Teacher Web2.0 shares
14 years ago
#eduweb conference Meet. Share .Explore . #edtech20 #edchat http:www.eduwebconference.com...
Teacher Web2.0 shares
14 years ago 2
Let's Fight it Together' Cyberbullying film #safechat #edchat #edtech20 www.digizen.org.uk/cyber...
Teacher Web2.0 shares
14 years ago
Online Safety 3.0 - on and off the fixed and mobile Internet #safedchat #edtech20 #edchat http:www.connectsafely.org/
Teacher Web2.0 shares
14 years ago
Safety for Educators #safedchat #edtech20 #edchat www.facebook.com/help/?s...