118Friends 243Fans
female Gateshead, Great Britain (UK)
Autistic computer geek. Plays lots of World of Warcraft. Used to spend time in Second Life but not now. Permanent bed tester thanks to Severe ME. Likes purple, penguins and shinies :-)
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Danni says
10 years ago
boughted a new Nexus 10 as my tablet is trying to die on me. I like this saving money thing- means I can have shinies :-D
Danni shares
11 years ago 1
A rather strange looking orange :-P
11 years ago
I have two invoices for my stays at the care home earlier this year. They don't say how to pay. This is not helpful.
11 years ago
Two of my carers have the same name next week and another has one very similar. That is going to be very confuzzling :-P
Danni says
11 years ago
Johan's agreed to swap the telly in the living room with the monitor I was using as a telly in my bedroom. Johan is happy as am I :-)
Danni says
11 years ago 1
I hope my periodic table poster arrives today. Can't wait to have it on my wall :-D
Danni says
11 years ago 2
Lots of bad news for my friends today. So I ordered cake from a place that delivers cake.
11 years ago
Join forum for WoW gold making. Mention brainfog in introductory post to explain why I am slow at stuff. Find two other people with severe ME who are also making gold in WoW. Win :-D
Danni says
11 years ago
The muscles in my upper right arm are twitching constantly. It's not painful but it's annoying and distracting. Rarrr!