78Friends 105Fans
female Columbia, SC, United States
Hummmm whats there to say. RL artist, SL designer. Owner and Creator of Staged Skin and Fashion. I create skins and clothing and am happy to make custom works. Love making friends!
13 years ago
bedtime arrives to late. 3:30am...damn games keeping me up. I hate you Bakery for my iPad!
13 years ago 5
hungryyyyyyyyyyy....I hate that its so easy to China to have McDonalds delivered to your apartment. Must resist temptation.
Dezi_Jarvinen 推荐
13 years ago
its bedtime. Night night plurk!
Dezi_Jarvinen 推荐
13 years ago a quiet moment with the Toki monster. If only she didn't rip the flesh off my hands afterwards...
13 years ago
another day, another spoonful of peanutbutter
Dezi_Jarvinen 推荐
13 years ago
thinks its bedtime. its past 2am why am I awake. Even the kitten is in the bed waiting for me!!! Night night plurkies
Dezi_Jarvinen 推荐
13 years ago 7 Had fun fixing up an alt today. Something about shopping cures the blues.
Dezi_Jarvinen 已经
13 years ago
give me some good websites for female and male avatar looks. I am shopping for an old old alt and I want to treat them to a whole new look.
Dezi_Jarvinen 已经
13 years ago
its time for work already. 2 days off after today. Mmmm the joys of Korean Dramas and doing nothing.
Dezi_Jarvinen 已经
13 years ago
night night work in the morning I am going to be dead with such little sleep