Duncan Giano
77Friends 27Fans
male Second life
Duncan Giano by Duncan Giano

Marketplace only
Duncan Giano
9 years ago 3
Setting up for an event... and to the left of me, there is a booth with a sofa in it.
Duncan Giano
9 years ago 4
Cannot derez due to inventory fault.
Duncan Giano
9 years ago 7
Can't decide between two browns
Duncan Giano shares
9 years ago 3
for WCF 4 which started on 1 March, 2015. https://www.flickr.com/photos/127009017@N06/16486592869/
Duncan Giano
9 years ago 7
I'm making new shoes for WC fair but I'm not sure it's whorish enough as the theme demands.