沈 翊
11Friends 4Fans
female Taoyüan, Taiwan
沈 翊
14 years ago
沈 翊
14 years ago 1
Cradle to Cradle,英文版的材質(synthetic paper)酷斃了!!!這本書說自己是technical nutrient,可以無止境永續利用真的很酷,-不過這種材質比起其紙書來得重多了.元智圖書館萬歲!什麼都有!!
沈 翊
14 years ago
沈 翊
14 years ago 7
為什麼要用karma來當karma呢? :-o
沈 翊
14 years ago
Exotic Mood Fruit!! Change color according to one's mood!!...but they are doo-doo brown...what kind of mood is that?
沈 翊
14 years ago 2
沈 翊 好奇
14 years ago
自己有沒有前額葉...i am an impulsive person
沈 翊 正在
14 years ago 3