63Friends 21Fans
male Penang, Malaysia

im just a odinary guy with an extra odinary life!


msn= [email protected] =)

E_r_n_i_e says
15 years ago
karma down again (annoyed)
E_r_n_i_e hopes
15 years ago
soph wont fall sick. (cozy)
E_r_n_i_e is
15 years ago
going to bed d~ nitez.
E_r_n_i_e is
15 years ago 1
looking foward for CNY!?
E_r_n_i_e is
15 years ago
home~ just takne dinner =)
15 years ago
phone no credit (annoyed) sucks..
E_r_n_i_e is
15 years ago
home! =)
E_r_n_i_e is
15 years ago
going out for dinner =)
E_r_n_i_e asks
15 years ago
why chem have many the many many weirdo things (annoyed)
E_r_n_i_e says
15 years ago
lol my karma keep drop >.>! (annoyed)