18Friends 25Fans
male Pacoima, CA, United States
OtakuMAn says
10 years ago 3
Ice cream
OtakuMAn says
10 years ago 5
I'm gonna start jogging! (gym)
OtakuMAn wants
10 years ago 2
to try playing outlaw. (xmas4)
OtakuMAn says
10 years ago
World is very competitive on jobs. Gotta level myself up (gym)
OtakuMAn says
10 years ago
Finals is now OVER! Now to turn in a round ball slowly
OtakuMAn says
11 years ago 3
A guy in an MMO game asked to be his "GF" (LOL) my character was a girl
OtakuMAn says
11 years ago 3
Volunteering may be a "free work", but it's fun as my "first" job (LOL)
OtakuMAn says
11 years ago 1
First, the smell of joint. Then, a gunshot.
OtakuMAn says
11 years ago 4
Looked for a job for 3 months, still UNEMPLOYED
OtakuMAn says
11 years ago
The smooth rocks had to go though several polishing. In the same view on life, we need trials to become stronger.