83Friends 24Fans
female San Diego, CA, United States
Eqdesigns says
11 years ago 3
So a month ago I agreed to cover a shift at the yoga studio. That wad before I realized it was less than a week before a show! (doh)
Eqdesigns says
11 years ago
Only 1 week until Stockinette Zombies retreat. I may be starting to freak out!
Eqdesigns says
11 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/C4M9-2tna4tOqw2fLydyfyjp85g.jpg This injury is giving me lots of knitting time!!
Eqdesigns says
11 years ago 2
Ok friends gradient skein shawl project ideas? I've already Knorr TGV.
Eqdesigns says
11 years ago 1
It's been quiet here thought if share a photo from our run today. https://images.plurk.com/C4M9-79qJuFGs6CsVemxSoF4Jy3.jpg
Eqdesigns says
11 years ago 7
https://images.plurk.com/C4M9-6DGAwhAk0PRrtqFYrWPF75.jpg I'm smitten! She came home worth me. (woot)
Eqdesigns says
11 years ago
I had to teach friends to knit last night so I could have local Knitter friends
Eqdesigns says
11 years ago 3
https://images.plurk.com/C4M9-2FO2EdfduqEe90lhRTdbH0.jpg Husband got me an inspiration piece for my office! "all it takes is faith, trust, ...
Eqdesigns shares
11 years ago
In honor of Memorial Day I'm celebrating with my Marine and I thought a sale would be nice. Enter Heroes13 at checkout for 20% off. www.elizabethquintan.ets...
Eqdesigns says
11 years ago
Having a nice family day. W saw Epic with little miss and it was pretty good. Now to do some creating!