Watching Kinsey. That movie is fascinating and really cool. can't believe I waited this long to see it.
Seems like everytime I find someone on Facbook I went to high school with, they're either a guy in the army or a girl that's pregnant.
I think I'm done with basketball until October. I can't stand to watch the Lakers win a title. I'd rather ignore the fact for a while.
Pau Gasol is a piece of shit Spanish bitch. I want to find him in LA and punch him in the face.
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you
Just got my first haircut since January. I miss all that hair a little bit.
Watched the last season of Six Feet Under over the last 2 days. I didn't cry any less during the last few episodes the 2nd time around.
Ate more tacos than I have fingers last night. Also, drank a lot. Not too much though.
Urge to write all day. We'll see if anything comes of it.
Pet peeve: The saying "everything happens for a reason". Duh! Something happened and caused something else to happen. That's the reason!