11Friends 9Fans
male State of Confusion, United States
Owner and creator of }enMESHed{
Market Place
Visit In-World
8 years ago
Apparently I'm not good with dates. CyberZ was set to open today on the 13th!
EnMESHed is
8 years ago
looking for New Orleans/French style railings that aren't Apple Fall's (already have those) or 500 prims a piece
8 years ago 2
CyberZ opens today! A brand new event that I'm really looking forward to watching grow. So far there are some really great, unique items in the scifi genre.
8 years ago
CyberZ event opens in 3 days. Exclusive to event, 50% off The Andronnika
EnMESHed is
8 years ago
moving to a new spot and has no idea what to do with a new store layout.
EnMESHed hates
8 years ago
the idea of going to work today.
EnMESHed thinks
8 years ago 1
life would be complete with a face like this in my life
EnMESHed feels
8 years ago
like an idiot. First event sales: Both the sky loft and patio chairs were no mod/copy Despite the fact I triple checked them before putting up the sale.
EnMESHed is
8 years ago 15
looking for events that a builder might fit in better with than all the fashion ones
EnMESHed shares
8 years ago
ROULETT3 opened today!