Columbia, MD, United States



我在這條噗浪河分享的都是學英文有用的相關資訊(每日一句)及笑話(每日一笑),我的目的只是想讓噗友每天都能開心的學英文而以,不信的話看看我分享的內容,我的河你就知道了。我不是直銷,我也不是機器人!不信的話問我的四萬多名噗友你就知道了! !
英語噗 分享
10 years ago 37
1. One chocolate bar each.
2. Hold your sister's hand.
3. Just show me how it works, please.
4. I don't know who you are.
5. You've got the wrong person. 看中文解釋核對答案
英語噗 分享
10 years ago 49
Long absence changes a friend.
英語噗 分享
10 years ago 6
Beats me
例句: It beats me; I don't know the answer.
只看英文大家猜的出來beats me 什麼意思嗎?<<<看中文解釋核對答案>...
英語噗 分享
10 years ago 10
你可能會說: Can I get a new one? 我能會個新的嗎?
英語噗 分享
10 years ago 2
1. How long have you been here?
2. I'm afraid that it's not going to work out.
3. It was kind of exciting.
4. I've been here before.
英語噗 分享
10 years ago 2
1. How long have you been here?
2. I'm afraid that it's not going to work out.
3. It was kind of exciting.
4. I've been here before.
5. It sounds like you enjoyed it.英語俱樂部 • 檢視主題 - 【經典口語】 How long have you been here?
英語噗 分享
10 years ago 2
1. I can't think about this right now.
2. What's wrong?
3. You're shaking like a leaf.
4. Where are you going?
5. I'm just going out for some air.
英語噗 分享
10 years ago 4
你可能會說: Do you have a child? 你有孩子嗎?
英語噗 分享
10 years ago 4
Pride goes before a fall.
= Pride will have a fall.
英語噗 分享
10 years ago
1. What happened to you?
2. Can you feel it?
3. There's no one here.
4. What the hell are you thinking?
5. My mum doesn't have any sisters.