12Friends 8Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
silly, contradictory, short attention sp-
6 years ago
Oh SL... According to some random guy in a store, this look is "edgy and sexy." I should have known better than to go out in the world with my kneecaps exposed.

6 years ago 7
shyly walks onto the stage and slowly approaches the mic "He-" clears throat "Hello? Is this thing on?" taps mic "Is anyone here?"
8 years ago 11
I miss those of you I used to hang out with in SL. I've thought about logging in, but have been gone for so long that I fear my avatar will look like a noob without a lot of upgrades.
9 years ago 3
Okay, that's weird... All of a sudden, the things like "says" and "shares" are all in Japanese or something similar - both the list of them used for new posts and on posts made by others.
Ezerbet says
9 years ago
Got a new lappy and did the most important thing - loaded it with photos of eye candy.
Ezerbet asks
9 years ago
Are there any interesting social events happening in SL today?
Ezerbet says
9 years ago 2