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male Martin, OH, United States
Reviewing toys from The Land of Misfits.

Check us out at www.fallenempiretoys.com
FallenEmpireToys says
13 years ago
BWHAHAHAHAhahahah...h..a... t.co/0Z722foz
FallenEmpireToys says
13 years ago
Nerd-gasum t.co/VRKNuXmq
FallenEmpireToys says
13 years ago
Package shots be damned, let see how Liokaiser looks now that he FINALLY got a left arm
FallenEmpireToys says
13 years ago
And for the grand finalé... HELL BAT FISHES! t.co/SzHMvguM
FallenEmpireToys says
13 years ago
And Perceptorz... t.co/iInRwsPI
FallenEmpireToys says
13 years ago
I haz Side Burnz! t.co/6zdZoMLl
FallenEmpireToys says
13 years ago
Guess who had a package waiting for him when he got home today? THATS RIGHT! This guy right here. XD t.co/uBXfoO7F
FallenEmpireToys says
13 years ago
Alright guys, time to check out my sales thread...more will be added as I go through more boxes. is.gd/t8azzC
FallenEmpireToys says
13 years ago
Think I'm going to set up a small shop on the site to sell some of my extra stuff and maybe do some wholesale/resell if it goes well