26Friends 11Fans
SoUL REaPer wishes
15 years ago
that people who likes watching anime will watch soul eater
SoUL REaPer loves
15 years ago 7
k a r m a
SoUL REaPer says
15 years ago
bye bye to plurk
SoUL REaPer wishes
15 years ago 1
for his karma to rise sky high (LOL)
SoUL REaPer says
15 years ago
healthy lifestyle day very tiring loh
SoUL REaPer is
15 years ago
finally home and away from the very lag computer
SoUL REaPer hates
15 years ago 2
the slow computer at school
SoUL REaPer hates
15 years ago
to have to off his computer now but bb plurk and the people out there :'-(
SoUL REaPer hates
15 years ago
people that purposly decrease others karma they are bus-thirds
SoUL REaPer says
15 years ago
playing big 2 on viwawa